The Perfect Open Water Swim Escort: The Community Answers

Swim Escort

A swim escort is an important part of nearly every successful open water swim. Here at Odyssey Open Water Swimming, we rely on swim escorts and coaches to guide our swimmers each time we’re out on the water.

We recently asked the open water swimming community for their opinion on what makes for the perfect swim escort. Here are the responses we received.


  • “Don’t block my line of sight to the next buoy. Don’t wear colors same as buoys. Thanks!” - John G. 

  • “You know they have your back!” - @Gary W. 


  • “Well planned, safe. This allows the swimmer to focus on the swim and enjoy the swim, rather than being overly concerned about safety, course or other issues. Happy New Year!” - @sonicbook1234 

  • “Snacks” - @albert3kelly

  • “Attention to detail with the route, conditions, potential hazards, waether changes, athlete needs such as feeding and able to recognize small details if a swimmer is having issues or isn’t swimming themselves/picking up on issues below the surface. Lots of constant attention.” - @cmw_in_the_360

  • “Practicing with the swimmer beforehand is ideal. Giving the swimmer what they ask for information wise - not just what you think they should hear. Knowing and being able to see when the swimmer is struggling from food or cold or something else before it becomes dangerous or swim ending. Positive energy…” - @beyondtheblackline_