First Annual Odyssey Bay Bridge Swim Recap and Album!

Bay Bridge Swim

The first annual Odyssey Bay Bridge swim took place on Saturday, September 19, 2020. After larger events, including the Odyssey Alcatraz swim, were postponed due to the pandemic, it was exciting to have the opportunity to host the safe, small Bay Bridge swim.

A total of 16 swimmers participated in the 1.5-mile Bay Bridge swim. The group entered from boats near the Yerba Island in the middle of the Bay Bridge. The water temperature was a comfortable 63-degrees and waves were moderate. After entry, swimmers swam parallel to the Bay Bridge towards San Francisco. Swimmers were pushed north by the current during the initial stages of the swim, and then were pushed slightly south near the end of the swim, exiting at Pier 1/2. The swim went roughly two miles this year.