The Community Answers “Who is Your Favorite Person to Swim with and Why?”

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Every open water swimmer has unique memories, experiences, and preferences. In the “Ask the Community” series, we like to ask swimmers interesting questions about their experiences.. We recently asked the community “who is your favorite person to swim with and why?”

Here are the responses we received from the open water swimming community.


  • “My grandma :-) because of all of the memories we've shared together and because of her tremendous support.” Michael L. 

  • “These guys (pictured above), I said I like to swim around Naples Island in Long Beach ! They said Sure.....” - Gary Woodruff

  • “All the lovely ladies who have been swimming with me since April. Kerryanne K-Anne Cameron, Felice Botts, Stephanie Prufer Because they are amazing! Because they were swimming with me and made each experience so much better!” - Bianca B. 

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  • “Bill Sullivan, because he was the person who encouraged me to learn to swim the open water at 43 y/o.” - John D.


  • “My friend, we can pace off each other and makes swimming in the Bay more enjoyable and safe.” - @melyde12 

  • “My favorite person to swim with is @lenox.brian because he gets up at crazy hours to swim with me 😊.” - @jenthejivemonkey

    • “Aww yah! You know it.” - @lenox.brian 

  • “@lollygagginglife cause she’s a beast and I have to sprint to keep up with her.” - @thetryn 

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