Odyssey Swimmer Profile -- Meet James Antwiss

James Antwiss Swimmer Profile

We recently got to know a little bit about open water swimmer James Antwiss. Asked to tell a bit about himself, James says, “Well I’m in my 20s, a water polo player, and live 1/2 my time in California and the other 1/2 in the south of England in Torquay.” 

James got started swimming in the sea from an early age. After taking up water polo, James got more comfortable in the water and began swimming more in the sea for additional training. When asked why he loves swimming in the open water, James says, “I love the adventurous aspects of Sea swimming -- exploring different post lines and the freedom that doesn’t come with the pool.

James says that he’s always in the water, whether in the pool, sea, “or worst case, the bath.” He enjoys being part of the open water swimming community. “My best swims are actually ones that are more focused around community and friends having fun but training to reach a goal,” says James. 

For new open water swimmers, James recommends getting a good:

  • Suit

  • Goggles

  • Dry bag that floats

James takes glucose sachets to prevent getting seasick when swimming long distances. “I try not to get used to wetsuits and take colder baths to be able to swim more of the year,” says James.   

James Antwiss Swimming Image

James’ favorite swim partner is Lionel, his family dog that can’t get enough of open water swimming.

Odyssey Open Water Swimming strives to host safe, fun, swimming adventures in the East Bay while participating in the open water swimming communities around the world. “I love groups that push each other but have a good laugh at the same time and don’t mind hanging out outside the water,” says James. 

A big thanks to James for participating in the swimmer profile series. If you would like to participate, please email Michael@odysseyopenwater.com