Tonic of the Sea Short Film Review

Katie Maggs Open Water Swimming

“I was desperate to find my way back to me.” -- Katie Maggs 

If you’ve ever taken a swim in the open water, then you can relate with the refreshing feeling you gain from it. The health benefits of open water swimming include better sleep, improved circulation, the feeling of happiness, better metabolism, a boosted immune system, and more. 

Katie Maggs was at a point in her life where she could use a boost. She had lost her confidence. She also had lost sleep as panic and anxiety took over her life. Katie was looking after family members, working long hours, and taking on additional responsibilities that made it difficult to take care of herself physically and mentally. After a nervous breakdown, Katie developed jerking in her muscles, which doctors said was caused by exhaustion. 

“The sea brought it (confidence) back,” says Katie in the short film Tonic of the Sea. The short film dives into Katie’s struggle and how she have been able to overcome it with the help of a community of swimmers and the benefits gained from swimming in the sea. 

Katie Maggs Open Water Swimming

While trying to reconnect with nature, Katie would walk down by the sea with her camera to take pictures. One day, she ran into a group of swimmers, and became part of their community. “It really kind of energizes you,” says Katie, who connected with open water swimmer and former lifeguard Mike Conboye. Mike kept a close eye on Katie during swims and helped her improve as a swimmer and feel comfortable in the open water. “All my confidence was completely knocked out of me. It (swimming in the sea) made me feel brave again.” Katie states. 

Katie, who now swims nearly everyday in the sea, says she is “back to complete health” and that the sea keeps her well. 

Tonic of the Sea is a Jonathan J Scott film, which you can watch above, or here on YouTube

The comment section on YouTube is filled with fellow open water swimmers who have gained similar benefits from swimming in the sea. Comments include: 

“The sea heals me daily too. I find that the majority of open water swimmers swim for very deep reasons.” -- Sabrina Flynn 

“Thank you. I am swimming my way back from depression. The water washes away the pain. Thank you for your support through your video.” -- Paul Magee1

“Thank you for this, it motivated me to start swimming and it’s making a huge difference in my life. Finally some outdoor exercise that I genuinely enjoy and I know it’s going to help my anxiety too.” -- Claire Matthews 

“I never knew how to explain my need for open water swimming, I knew it healed my body and soul. This is so beautiful. Thank you for letting my know I am not alone.” -- Ed Goodson2  

The film is a great look into the benefits of open water swimming and why it’s growing in popularity. Although there is no telling how you will benefit from swimming in the sea, it may inspire you to give it a try. Congratulations to Katie for having the bravery to face her issues head on and go out into the open waters. If you are attempting to swim in the open water for the first time, or even the 50th time, never go alone! Make sure to surround yourself with experienced swimmers who understand the specific area you’re swimming in.

What benefits have you gained from swimming in the open water? Share with us on Twitter @ODYSSEY_swim or send an email to our content writer Michael Luchies at