The Community Answers, “What’s the Most Important Part of Your Swim Process?” 


To an open water swimmer, every aspect of preparing for a swim is important. But what takes precedence?

We recently asked the open water swimming community “What’s the most important part of your swim process?” Here are the responses we received on Facebook and Instagram.


  • “Don’t wait for the good days… just swim! It forces you to be better in all conditions.” - Gary Woodruff 

  • “Running down a mental checklist: goggles, nose clip, swim cap, charge the watch, extra drinking water for after swim, towel, fins/gloves.” - Veronika Ossul 


  • “Approaching conditions with open mind + heart, finding joy + rhythm + connecting with community.” - @ultraheidi  

  • “Always check the tides first.” - @sabrina.flynn  

  • “Check the windy app and do a lot of land warmup.” - @sandraf_b_ows   

  • “Simply be present in the moment, relax and find my breath/rhythm.” - @theautispersons 

  • “Come with a plan, including a route, distance, contingency plan, knowledge of conditions/currents and checking the day before I have all the gear I need that is also in good condition.” - @cmw_in_the_360  

  • “In local lakes I like looking for stuff people leave behind in the shallows and clean it up.” - @bnffgirl