The Community Answers, “What’s Your Pre-Morning Swim Nutrition Plan?” 

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Every successful swim begins before you enter the water. What is your morning pre-swim nutrition plan? We recently asked the open water swimming community to share their pre-swim nutrition plan, and we received a lot of common responses. The most common theme was light meals or snacks, and a combination of oats, bananas, and peanut butter or similar substitute.

Here are the responses we received on Facebook and Instagram.


  • “Steel-cut oats, goji berries, and a splash of almond milk.” - Michael MacDonald

  • “What I’d normally eat (scrambled egg sandwich or oatmeal with nuts and some fruit) minus my latte which I save for after the swim.” - Bianca Bernardo 


  • “I like overnight oats because it’s a very easy to make and eat, and can easily be replicated on race day. When I’m home it’s more elaborate, when I’m not it’s super basic. For my last 9 mile race out of town I packed a mason jar with oatmeal and a ziplock bag of maple syrup. I added a single serve almond milk from the hotel and on race day had a well tested breakfast that caused me 0 stomach troubles. I know a lot of people like bread and nut butter, but I would be worried about the availability of a toaster, preferred bread+ spread. Everyone is different though!” - @ana_littlesana  

  • “Coffee.” - @pjjacobus   

  • “Oats and some fat like nut butter.” - @sjdj3000     

  • “PB and bananas on a tortilla, sometimes with some honey drizzled on it.” - @pb_and_bananas  

  • “Green banana, almond butter w coffee.” - @scardenasjr