“What’s Your OWS Secret Technique?” The Community Answered!

Berkeley Open Water Swim

Each week, we ask the amazing open water swimming community a question. These questions range from the serious to the silly. This post includes responses from the community to the question, “what’s your open water swimming secret technique?”

As open water swimmers, we all have different styles, techniques, and secrets. Below are the responses we received on Facebook and Instagram. 

Question: What’s your open water swimming secret technique?

OWS Secret Technique.png


  • ‘Be one with the water.” - Gary W. 

  • “If you panic, then think of a calm, reassuring mantra or sing and repeat until the panic goes away. Or, simply count your strokes.” - Elise C.

  • “Don't fight the waves. Go with them. Relax and enjoy.” - Craig A.

  • “If it's not a race I like to switch to breaststroke every now and again to calm myself down (it's easier to see the buoy like that). Also, that keeps me from having toe cramps and keep my shoulders healthy. If it's a race I focus on my breathing (breath every 3 strokes or every four) and sight often.” - Bianca B. 

  • “Shut up and swim! or count your breaths and breath every third stroke and sight every 4th breath. But when in doubt just swim!” - Linda S. 

  • “Focusing on what I'm going to munch on afterwards. And good technique haha” - Arend P

  • “I bring my head up frequently to breathe and sight in case it is choppy when I take a breath. That way, I'm never struggling for air or risking breathing in saltwater!” - K-Anne C.


  • “Keep your bearing by allocating landmarks. Always ask experts and locals about the conditions of the water and hazards. Take their advise seriously.” - @fouadbdlab

  • “At the swim briefing of Alcatraz to San Francisco in July 2019 with Odyssey, they told us to swim as fast as we can the first 500m to exit the topsy turvy water that formed a ring around the islan, then do not swim straight to the finishing line on beach because the currnt coming from the Bay will drift you under.” - @fouadbdlab

  • “Stay calm and relax, in any circumstance.” - @jordiswim

  • “Do it often so it becomes so normal you stay calm. Breathe a lot. Blow those bubbles!” - walzmusic 

  • “The more you do it, the better and more comfortable you get. Do swim-run circuits. Repeat. Repeat.” - @justin_rich 

Thank you all for participating in our Ask the Community article series! Stay tuned for additional opportunities to participate. Follow Odyssey Open Water Swimming on Facebook here.