Berkeley Swims are Back with Social Distancing Procedures In Place


After speaking with local officials, reviewing our safety measures, and staying updated on current recommendations, Odyssey Open Water Swimming will be resuming weekly Berkeley swims! We have the approval of local authorities as an outdoor business, and our safety protocols have been reviewed. 

We are excited to once again provide local swimmers and athletes with a safe outlet and escape. Gyms and pools may be closed, but as long as we are practicing social distancing and taking every possible precaution to remain safe and healthy, we are free to continue to swim in the East Bay.

We have strict social distancing guidelines now in place, that should be reviewed before joining us on a swim. Please read the full guidelines here.

Guidelines include the following:

  • Do NOT attend any swims if:

    • You have any symptoms associated with COVID-19

    • You are in a high-risk group

    • You may have had exposure to the Coronavirus

  • We will NOT have the customary briefing before the swim. Here is the briefing given to swimmers before each swim -- please read. The daily course and condition info will be on the whiteboard for swimmers to view from a safe distance.

Swimmers will also be able to enter the water in intervals over a 30-minute period, keeping distance from each other.

The first open Berkeley swim will take place this Sunday on 5/17 at 10am. Weekly swims will take place on Sunday (10am), Tuesday (6:30pm), and Thursday (charity swim during the pandemic, 7am). 

The water temperature is nearly perfect and approaching 70 degrees. We hope to see you out there with us. Registration is now available for upcoming Berkeley swims online (and only online). Register for upcoming swims here!